Thursday, June 30
Day 8
Its the exam period, :/ I know, the toughest time of poly life. Are you doing okay for your exams? Well, hang in there! You can do it, if you need any help, I'll be here for you.
Still messaging you daily..
Want to see you soon!
By J.
♥ 7:58 PM l

Wednesday, June 29
Day 7
We are still messaging each other daily, throughout the entire day. Do you feel what I'm feeling? I'm debating on if this is a short term crush or real true love. Should I take some action? Guess I'll wait when I'm sure of it myself.
Wait for me,
By J.
♥ 12:31 PM l

Tuesday, June 28
going crazyy.
Day 6
After many days without meeting you, my mind still constantly thinks about you. Every minute, every second. Everytime I saw you in school, my heart beats faster and I would try to avoid eye contact with you. I hope this feeling would end after a while like normal a normal crush.
Thinking of you daily.
Missing you,
By J.
♥ 10:47 AM l

Monday, June 27
Day 5
The main problem now lies in me. I dont have the courage to talk to you face to face.
Dont have the courage to ask you out.
Dont have the courage to do anything when I see you face to face. My mind just turns blank when I see you.
I'm going to gather my courage soon.
Lend me all your courage please, I'll need it.
By J.
♥ 12:07 PM l

Sunday, June 26
Day 4
I need to understand you more, know you better. So I would know what you like and dislike, what you always do and who are the people you hang out with. I need to know you truely before I can say I love you from the bottom of my heart. We have been messaging each other throughout the entire day for quite some days and I wonder if you share the same feelings too. Its still too early to tell.
The wait begins,
♥ 10:42 PM l

Saturday, June 25
I Wonder.
Day 3
I wonder if you think about me as much as I think about you.
I wonder if you feel the same way for me as I do for you.
I wonder if there will be a day where we would go on a date.
I wonder if you know I love you.
I wonder if this crush will go away anytime soon.
♥ 7:40 PM l

Friday, June 24
Where it all started.
Day 2
After the bonding camp, I have not seen you much except for the times we bumped into each other during skates training. We weren't close then, just like normal Hi-Bye friends. This is where it all started, June 24th. Both of us signed up for the skates running man event and were again in the same group (fate, okay nvm lol). We got closer after completing all the games and challenges that day. After the event we went to fc 5 to slack and that was when it all began. We chatted and got to know each other better, I was amazed that we had much in common. After going home, my mind was still constantly thinking thinking about you, your smile, your laughter, your silliness your everything.
I've fallen in love.
♥ 1:19 PM l