Sunday, July 31
New goal.
Day 28
Am happy to hear you are not so affected by fs anymore! You finally grew up! Just let them continue to waste their time and efforts trying to mess up your life, you don't have to waste your time to entertain them anymore.
I have a new goal, it's to gain 100kg(okay it's impossible) by the end of the year because you prefer FAT boys hahaha. Okay the real goal is, to make you happy EVERYDAY.
I'll be your clown, to make you laugh(giving you injections)
I'll be your Pig, to make you smile
I'll be your sotong*, to make you feel glad that someone's as silly as you
I'll be your everything, to make you complete
I'll always be there for you, to make you feel safe and loved.
By J.
♥ 11:46 AM l

Saturday, July 30
I'll Wait.
Day 27
I wish I could just shut down your fs for you. I hate to see you get so affected by it. I swear when I find out who it is that's behind this, I'll break his face. Okay maybe not as I think you hate violence.
Don't be in a rush to love me back,
Don't love me just because I love you,
If we're meant to be, we will be together in the future.
I'll wait, so don't be pressured.
By J.
♥ 11:28 PM l

Friday, July 29
Day 26
Don't ask me why I love you, you don't need a reason to fall in love. That's what love is, its mysterious.
I love you for who you are.
I love your silliness.
I love your smile.
I love your angry face.
I love your laughter.
I love your lame jokes.
I love your childishness.
I love your eyes(it doesn't matter if its double or single eye lid.)
I love your height.
I love your weight.
I love your everything.
You don't have to change anything for me, as I love you for who you are.
By J.
♥ 5:07 PM l

Thursday, July 28
Mixed feelings.
Day 25
Was some what touched and guilty that you have to wait outside my class for my lesson to end. Sent you home and when we were under your block, I tried to hold your hand and you rejected the offer. Was disappointed and regretted doing so. I am happy to hear that you carry some feelings for me too but you're not sure if its a crush or true love, I'm telling you now that mine is true love. I'll wait, no matter how long it takes for you to be sure if what you're feeling for me is a crush or true love. Don't feel pressured to love me back if you don't, because what I want is for you to true-ly love me and not love me because I said I love you.
I'll wait,
By J.
♥ 11:47 PM l

Wednesday, July 27
Day 24
I hope that one day, the fs people will just F off and leave you alone. Although you said they wont dare to do anything to you, I'm still very worried for you. I hope the speed dial thing works and I'll try to be there for you. Be careful.
Take care,
By J.
♥ 9:24 PM l

Tuesday, July 26
Day 23
I like hearing you feel jealous over Jessica, it makes me feel like you feel something for me too.
But I hate it when i feel jealous over some guy when he talks to you. I get jealous over small little things, I think this must mean I'm really deeply in love with you.
Thinking of you now,
By J.
♥ 11:24 AM l

Sunday, July 24
Romantic night,
Day 22
Today, I went to the esplanade to look for you after your interview. Sorry to make you wait for so long before I arrived, didn't expected it to end so early. How un-gentlemen of me. Was very happy when you brought me to the river to spend time with each other. We were lucky, we were able to see the light performance and it was really nice. It would not have been such a nice night if the one beside me wasn't you.
Hope we can do it again,
By J.
♥ 11:50 PM l

Saturday, July 23
Pissed off.
Day 21
Felt really pissed off and angry when you told me about the form springs hackers. Now I'm worried for you. I kept wondering if your safe, if you meant any harm(touch wood). From now on, I'll try my best to protect you. This have been causing you to have sleepless nights and I swear I'm going to find out who's doing it.
Thinking of ways,
By J.
♥ 6:20 PM l

Thursday, July 21
Chocolate Melts!
Day 20
We planned on going to get some chocolate melts after school as it was having a promotion of one for one. Before we got there, we were excited as we thought the melts tasted great as a lot of people said that its delicious. To our disappointment, it didn't tasted like we imagined.. But no matter what I eat, if you were with me, it would be delicious.
No more melts in the future,
By J.
♥ 11:11 PM l

Tuesday, July 19
Day 19
I think I'm really in love, normal crushes wouldn't last so long would they? And the feelings wont be as powerful as what I'm feeling, I really cant describe this feeling. Normally when I'm with my classmates, when we see pretty girls, we will inform each other that a pretty girl is nearby. Recently, I rarely join in and they are wondering what had made me change. Its was you.
I think this feeling is called love,
By J.
♥ 10:17 PM l

Sunday, July 17
Day 18
Time is relative. I know everyone knows this already, but I did not learn it from Einstein. I learnt this from the many days and hours without you, thinking about you. I hate weekends as I wont be able to see you. Hope I'll see you soon.
Missing you,
By J.
♥ 9:42 PM l

Thursday, July 14
The Movie.
Day 17
Finally, its Thursday. Had a really really great time with you during the movie and the entire night. Was shocked when you screamed in the cinema but all in all, it went smoothly! We went to play with the swings and your rooftop to slack and it was great. It was a beautiful place and I really enjoyed myself.
Hope you did too,
By J.
♥ 11:11 PM l

Tuesday, July 12
Day 16
Was really happy today! Successfully asked you out for a date to the movies! We'll be watching Harry Potter and I hope you like the show as you seem to know little about the movie. Glad you accepted the date.
Cant wait,
By J.
♥ 7:29 PM l

Monday, July 11
Day 15
Going out with you, having dinner together was great. I feel like I can spend all my time with you without getting bored. Really enjoyed all my time with you, first time sending you home. Your house is really really far away .__. but well, its all worth it.
Hope to have another date with you,
By J.
♥ 11:20 PM l

Saturday, July 9
Great time.
Day 14
We finally met, had a great time chatting and hanging out with you. It was comfortable. We chatted, laughed, joked and crapped. Your smile is beautiful btw.
Remember to smile always,
By J.
♥ 11:11 PM l

Thursday, July 7
Day 13
This blog is becoming more and more like a journal to me, everyday I log in once to post something about you. I started this blog to see how my love develops for you over time and to keep track of things about you. Trying to figure out if this is love or just another crush. Logging in everyday to post something new had became a habbit to me as I'll naturally come onto the blog everyday. One day when you come accross this blog, dont doubt if thats you I'm writing about. Because it has always been you.
By J.
♥ 7:43 PM l

Tuesday, July 5
true love.
Day 12
Was surprised when you told me your dads a buddist and your mums a catholic. This showed me that true love really exists. Two person with different believes and religion can live in love for such a long time, i envy your parents.
I hope what I'm feeling is true love,
By J.
♥ 12:26 PM l

Monday, July 4
looking foward.
Day 11
Cant believe I'm saying this but... I'm looking foward to school. During this long weekend, I keep thinking of school and the chances of meeting you in school. I'm looking foward to meeting YOU in school. I know the chances are low as our school is very big, but I hope to see you tomorrow.
Wish me luck,
By J.
♥ 2:18 PM l

Saturday, July 2
Day 10
Found out that you need to visit your granny's place every Sunday. Was glad when I heard this as I have to visit my granny every Saturday too. We have so much in common!!! Happy that we're still messaging each other daily and were not bored of each other.
Yet to confirm my feelings,
By J.
♥ 12:11 PM l

Friday, July 1
Best day.
Day 9
Last day of exams!!! Are you happy? I know I am! Too bad we don't get any holidays after exam periods.. People who say poly life is slack, ARE LIARS. Been trying to confirm if my affection for you is a crush or true love, will see how it goes tonight during skates training.
Give me some more time,
By J.
♥ 6:11 PM l