Sunday, July 31
New goal.
Day 28
Am happy to hear you are not so affected by fs anymore! You finally grew up! Just let them continue to waste their time and efforts trying to mess up your life, you don't have to waste your time to entertain them anymore.
I have a new goal, it's to gain 100kg(okay it's impossible) by the end of the year because you prefer FAT boys hahaha. Okay the real goal is, to make you happy EVERYDAY.
I'll be your clown, to make you laugh(giving you injections)
I'll be your Pig, to make you smile
I'll be your sotong*, to make you feel glad that someone's as silly as you
I'll be your everything, to make you complete
I'll always be there for you, to make you feel safe and loved.
By J.
♥ 11:46 AM l