Thursday, September 22
first overnight together.
Day 79
Last night, we had our first overnight together! It was the best night ever! So happy we both were able to meet and have our romantic night doing so many stuffs I planned. Overall it was very successful although it rained and spoiled the cycling plan! But we still enjoyed ourselves so much in the car!
Beach part was fun wasn't it? I enjoyed that part of the date the most! Even though it was freezing cold out in the beach, I felt warm because you were with me.
Beautiful picture, with a perfect cloud! I'll be nice and tell you again, 'i love you dear'
Sigh, I miss you now, even after we just spent the entire night and morning together, even after I just left you. Every time I see fire sparklers, I'll think of you, and think of the new method you came up with for playing them!
Glad you really enjoyed yourself tonight! It was worth planning then! Hope you like this mini getaway I planned for you! Next time your turn okie! I'll miss every hug, every kiss, every cuddle, every tickle, every moment with you sweetie pie. Get braver and braver each time we meet okay? hehehehe.
Hope your retainers are found in the chalet tomorrow! *pray*
By J.
♥ 9:11 PM l