Friday, October 14
Doesn't matter.
Day 92
Sweetie, don't be so affected by your hair colour. It doesn't matter to me what colour is your hair, what length is it, what thickness is it. Black, brown, red, golden, bright, dark, short, long, straight or curl, I'll still love you the same. I love you, for you.
You don't have to bother about others opinions about you, the only opinions that should matter are mine isn't it? So I'm assuring you now, it really doesn't matter. You'll still look as ravishing, as beautiful, as stunning, as mesmerizing to me. I don't love you for your hair only, if that's the case, wont I leave you once you grow old and white hair has covered your head?
It's okay that you didn't managed to get a stufftoy for us today! We shall get a stufftoy together next time! Lets pick together! It'll be fun and romantic!
SURPRISE! I hope this post will surprise you and make you cheer up! Read this sweet post and not be affected anymore okay? There's no reason to be affect! I don't mind! Did this post put a smile through your face? Cause the most beautiful curve in your body, is your smile.
I love you, no matter what.
By J.
♥ 11:35 PM l