Tuesday, October 11
Day 91
Today, we updated our facebook relationship status, now all our friends know we're in a relationship! Are you happy? I was really glad and happy when you told me that this was the first time you put 'in a relationship' on facebook, and it's with me <3. Happy that all our friends know about us and gave us their blessings.
And now, we know that many of our friends on facebook are facebook stalkers HAHAHA. I think they refresh newsfeed every minute! Was happy and grateful for all of them for their blessings and good wishes. We will last long!
Are you surprise to find a new update? I know you are cause you didn't expected this post right?
I shall give you a finally surprise, I'll put your photo as my profile picture <3 Overjoyed? hehehe. Don't you find it so sweet? Couple profile picture!
Hope you like all the surprises I had for you sweetie, please sleep early tonight. We both need more sleep and rest! And I was so happy when you told me that you can make it for Thursday! Really cant wait for it now! Wait patiently for your Thursday surprise alright?
Lastly, I love you, my baby girl (L).
By J.
♥ 10:38 PM l