Saturday, October 29
love blog.
Day 95
HEY SWEETIEEEEEEE! ARE YOU SURPRISE TO SEE A NEW POST when you visit my blog today? Oh my god, my blog is really dying. But NO, I wont let it die! Hope this surprise and special post really made your day today! Bare with it honey! 2 more days and we'll be able to see each other!
Sorry I didn't update my blog these few days, been hanging out with you daily and after I send you home and got home myself, it's already very late and I was tired. I was also sick and the medicines made me more sleepy. Thanks for still updating your blog even when mine is empty for days. I'm going to start making this blog more alive as soon as I recover! HEHEHE happy?
I MISS you so much right now,
thinking of you everyday, every minute, every sec..
The only time I'm not thinking of you is when you're with me, by my side.
I NEED you a lot,
a second without you right now is like an hour..
Every second passes so slowly when you're not by my side.
I LOVE you,
like I've never loved anyone before..
You're the only girl I'll ever love so much, my special wifey.
You must be overjoyed right now, after reading this new post. Hope I filled your Saturday with smiles and love! Wonder when will you see this, should I hint you? Or should I not? Hmm..
Lastly, I love you so much my baby girl (L).
PJKSS <3 forever,
By J.
♥ 2:05 PM l