Thursday, September 29
First time.
Day 82
-First time-
Tonight, was a very special night. At first I was damn pissed with myself because I keep driving the wrong way and it caused me to be late! We didn't managed to go to Mt Faber because of that! So sad. I really wanted to go there with you, to hug you in my arms and watch the night sky filled with stars. Was really so sad and agitated, luckily there's you with me, you calmed me down, and made me smile! Now I know, I really cant live without you.
Although we did not manage to visit Mt Faber together, we still had a sweet and great night tonight right? I really enjoyed the whole night, the hugging, the cuddling, the kissing, the crapping and especially the story telling! I love you darling, very very much (L).
I really love tonight, gave you so many first times, hehehe! Remember all of them and the places? I love the love bite hahahah! But I think I'll need a plaster to cover it now if I don't wear a shirt at home.
Really cant wait for Friday! The day we bake/cook! It's going to be so sweet! Oh my godd! I miss you so much now! Really REALLY really really hope your mummy lets you overnight with me sweetie, then it'll be our first 24hours together. I know you'll try your best <3 Jia you!
Will you see this surprise post tonight? Or maybe tomorrow? Hehehee, so good night if you see this later! Sweet dreams baby, I'll be watching over you as you sleep! *muacks*
Goodmorning sunshine!!! If you see this tomorrow morning! Wake up knowing that you are loved by me! I love you dearest! <3
Oh my god! I miss your smell,
your touch,
your feel,
your hugs,
your kiss,
your heartbeat,
your everything.
You are my everything too baby (:
By J.
♥ 12:45 AM l

Sunday, September 25
cheer up sweetie.
Day 81
Cheer up sweetie! Don't be angry with your mummy or sister already! It's okay! We'll make it somehow, find our own time together. Our love will break all barrels, break all rules that prevents us from having more time with each other! It pains me to see you so sad and angry, so will you give me a smile after reading this sweet cheer up post meant for you? SMILE because I fallen for your smile! Because I love your smile. Smile please.
I hope I can always make you smile! Remember? I'm your pills, your drug! Cheer up baby.
My 1111 wish, to be able to meet/see you almost everyday of my life. I need you here, by my side to brighten up my everyday! Cause baby, you're my sunshine.
Let me tell you a little about my past as promised, to cheer you up! Must cheer up after this okay! Only will tell you a little bit though.
Before I met you, my life had practically no worries, no sadness, no stress, no pain.
After I met you, I had all of those! Not because it's your fault or you are causing my life these problems. It's because you affect my life so much.
When you go home alone late at night or doing dangerous stuffs, I'm worried for you.
When you're down, I feel sad too.(Cause I cant cheer you up)
When you're stress, I feel stressed out too.(Cause I cant help you relax)
When you're hurt, I feel the pain too.(Cause I cant heal your pain)
My heart is already linked with yours. Whatever you feel, I feel them too.
You taught me many new feelings too, one's called jealousy. I never used to feel jealous before. You're different, you're special, you made me feel it so much, that sometimes it hurts.
Other than that, you taught me what true happiness and true love is, I am truly happy when I'm with you, I really really wish that I can meet you everyday,
can feel you,
can hug you,
can kiss you,
and tell you that I love you EVERYDAY.
I want to wake up and see your face next to me,
I want you to be the first and last person I see each day.
Happy now? I shared a little of my past with you. Hope that cheers you up. And as promised, I'll tell you a bit more of my past each time we meet!
When you're sad, don't be! Know that someone out there is here for you, always by your side. I'll always be in your heart or (pocket), I'll never leave (L).
Hope not only are you cheered up now, but very happy as well.
'i love you baby girl' <3 forever,
By J.
♥ 11:32 PM l

Saturday, September 24
You're my last.
Day 80
I'm back! Yesterday was so busy that I didn't blog! Got home and started our overnight MJ session. As usual, I spent a great night at your place and time passed so freaking fast when we're together! Was SOOO very touched that you brought down a story book to read to me! I really wanted to hug you tightly and never let you go. I love your voice when you read the story to me. I love it when you pamper me dear. Sigh why did time passes to fast with you! Now that you found my weakness, the sensitive ears, I'll have to be careful around you and I'll protect my ears from you! You better protect your stomach well! And don't worry darling, I'll teach you how to give a love bite! You'll be the last girl I give a love bite to, I hug, I kiss, I LOVE.
Another thing that made me so happy and touched was you listened to me and did not go for the night cycling! Thanks for being so understanding sweetie, I love you.
SURPRISED? I think you wont expect me to blog! I just want to give you a big surprise today so no hinting you hehehe! Hope you'll melt and be touched when you visit the blog to find this post. HAPPY GIRL?
Really miss you now, do you miss me too? I wish that we could hug each other forever, and time would stop for us.
Lastly 'i love you my princess' (L),
By J.
♥ 5:57 PM l

Thursday, September 22
first overnight together.
Day 79
Last night, we had our first overnight together! It was the best night ever! So happy we both were able to meet and have our romantic night doing so many stuffs I planned. Overall it was very successful although it rained and spoiled the cycling plan! But we still enjoyed ourselves so much in the car!
Beach part was fun wasn't it? I enjoyed that part of the date the most! Even though it was freezing cold out in the beach, I felt warm because you were with me.
Beautiful picture, with a perfect cloud! I'll be nice and tell you again, 'i love you dear'
Sigh, I miss you now, even after we just spent the entire night and morning together, even after I just left you. Every time I see fire sparklers, I'll think of you, and think of the new method you came up with for playing them!
Glad you really enjoyed yourself tonight! It was worth planning then! Hope you like this mini getaway I planned for you! Next time your turn okie! I'll miss every hug, every kiss, every cuddle, every tickle, every moment with you sweetie pie. Get braver and braver each time we meet okay? hehehehe.
Hope your retainers are found in the chalet tomorrow! *pray*
By J.
♥ 9:11 PM l

Monday, September 19
sooo jealous.
Day 78
It's hard not to be jealous, to be not affected by it.. Although I know there's nothing and I will always trust you, my hurt still hurts. I think it's because I'm a taraus, it's in my blood. I trust you, but I don't trust other guys. There's a reason why I'm so affected by this, cause hongwei told me something I didn't wanted to hear. I hope you left it with any other guy other than Jason from EEE. Please just not let it be with him kay.. Hongwei is from the same club as him and HW told me he heard that Jason wants to court you/ is interested in you.
I feel like my heart is being stabbed..
After hearing that I felt more jealous.. I think this is because I love you too much. I really fell so deeply in love this time. I know it's good to be jealous sometimes, but I really hate this feeling now! I hope it stops hurting );
By J.
♥ 11:59 PM l

Sunday, September 18
thinking back, about us.
Day 77
Oh my god!!! I still cant forget the fact that I saw a mini version of you my dear! She's so adorable, just like you! Okay, you're cuter (: I want to see your sec school ez-link card again next time! To see how much you guys look alike!
After I got home.. I've got nothing to do.. so bored that I started thinking back, about us, on everything that has happened..
our first date at swensons where we were still flicking each other,
our first movie when you scream in the show even when it's not a horror film,
the first time you brought me to tour around your place, the swings and rooftops,
the first time I told you about this blog,
the first night we talked our hearts out,
the first time I met your friend,
our first hug, embrace, kiss,
the first time we lay down cuddling together on the dusty surface.
Every moment was so memorable, so sweet, so blessed. But as always, time flies when we're together. I hope I can remember everything we have done, and my STM don't make me forget anything.
I kept thinking, what if I hadn't joined skates club, what if I didn't attend the bonding camp, the running man event. Would we still be like we are now? Would we still be in love with each other? I don't think we would, I don't think all these would happen. So I'm very grateful for god, for our fate, for building that bridge and letting us meet each other on the bridge. The bridge where we found each other.
I cant upload pictures! I don't know why! This is so spoiling the post, but, some words are stronger than pictures! So I'll be kind today since you told me a really good joke, 'i love you'.
I think you will not see this new update soon, as you have no idea I'll post this early. But I'll not hint you in anyway! It's not to keep you in suspense, but to let you have a big surprise when you see this to lighten up your life!
Try to sleep early tonight okay? You must be so tired now, I am too.. And I'm not only tired, I'm bored! Good night in advance incase you read this late in the night. Sweet dreams!
Goodnight my love,
By J.
♥ 10:52 PM l
Good night or morning?
Day 76
Today was our latest night together, if I had not remembered wrongly. Tonight was great, so sweet, was so comfortable with you that I could fall asleep on you any moment. Lucky for your tickling that kept me awake! I just wish time would really really stop for us, or at least slow down and not be so fast.
I just want to be able to hug you, and never let go.
My hugs will let you know that I love you, so if next time I did not say the 3 words, I'll hug you to let you know it!
Really cant bare to let you go just now, to leave you just now. And our 2minutes is really super long! Love it!
You were shyer today! Was it because you were going to leave for cruise so you were braver the other time? I love both parts of you!
Should I say goodmorning or goodnight? I'll say both in case you slept before I updated and you'll see it in the morning!
lastly.. tonight was really great.
'i love you my dear <3,
By J.
♥ 1:59 AM l

Saturday, September 17
sweetheart, you can do it.
Day 75
Jia you! You can do it sweetheart! Pack a little by little, each day and one day it'll be done! Then you wont have to worry about your cupboard anymore! Or you can choose to chiong finish packing it in one shot. No matter what, I'll still be here to support you, to lend you my strength!
If you really really dread the packing, I'll help you burn them all! Alright kidding, just trying to make you smile!
Hope you get your appetite back sweetie, during this period of time, I'll try to be more understanding and caring to you. I wont force you to eat vegetables, wont force you to eat fruits, wont force you to sleep early(but this one try to).
Hope I can make it later to meet you! Just a short post to cheer you up cause I'm going out soon! Hope you see this soon without me hinting.
I miss you,
By J.
♥ 5:25 PM l

Friday, September 16
I'm worried.
Day 74(part 2)
I'm worried, I hope nothing bad have happened to you. Are you really okay? Just know that I'll forever be here, by your side supporting you if you have any troubles. Promise me you'll be fine and back to your usual self that I love. The cheerful, innocent and cute ms oinkoink with smiles on her face.
Do you remember I'm your happy pill? I'm your drug? You can tell me anything.
Not being able to cheer you up, to see you in this state, makes me really really sad. My chest hurts. I'm feeling so useless, I failed my job as a happy pill. When you're sad, so am I.
Only when you smile, will I truly be able to smile.
Hope you'll return to your usual self after tonight's sleep.
Goodnight and have a sweet dream my love.
Really hope you're fine,
By J.
♥ 9:47 PM l